
"God is the Light of the Heavens and the Earth, The parable of His light is , as it were , that of a niche containing a Lamp ; The Lamp is enclosed in a Glass , the Glass like a radiant star ; lit from a blessed tree -an Olive tree That is neither of the east nor of the west- The oil of which would almost give light even though fire had not touched it ; light upon light! God Guide to his Light the one who wills to be guided; and God offers parables to human beings, since God has full knowledge of all things."
-Surah An-Nur 24:35

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Mercy to The World - His Conducts (PUH)

Qualities Reflected in His Conducts (PUH):

from the clothing of the beloved Muhammed (PUH)

Imam Ali said in describing the Prophet: "He was the most open handed of people, and the most lenient of them, and the most noble. Whoever met him and knew him loved him ..."

Imam Ali relates: "He was the most concerned of the people for the people, and the kindest of the people to the people."

He also said: "The Apostle of God whenever he shook hands with anyone he would never withdraw his hand until the other person withdrew his hand first. Whenever he spoke with anyone about a need or a matter he would never leave until the other person left first. If anyone vied with him to speak he would always remain silent. He was never seen pointing his feet at anyone who sat with him. He would never send away someone who asked him something without giving him it or saying some kind words to him . . . when he looked at something it would be with a glance from his eye. He would never speak to someone in a way they disliked . . . he would never criticize or praise food . . .The Apostle of God never criticized food. If he liked it he would eat it and if he disliked it he would leave it."

Imam Ja'far Assadiq said: "The Apostle of God used to divide up his glances between his companions and would look towards one and then towards another equally."

It is related that AbY al-Darda’ said: "Whenever the Apostle of God spoke he would smile while speaking."

Anas ibn Malik relates: " Whenever anyone sat with the Apostle of God and later stood up [to leave] he would also stand up to see him off out of respect."

Anas also relates: "If the Apostle of God missed one of his [Muslim] brethrens for three days he would ask about him. If he was absent [from town] he would pray for him and if he was present he would visit him and if he was ill he would also visit him."

It is also related of him (PUH) that "he did not treat anyone harshly and would accept the apology of one who offered it. He was always smiling except at the times when the Qur’an  descended upon him or he was giving a sermon. He would often laugh but without guffawing . . . if ever anyone; 
freeman, bondsman or woman came to him he would always aid him or her in their needs. He was not uncouth or hardhearted nor one to bellow in the marketplaces. He would never requite a bad action with a bad action but would forgive and pardon. He would offer a greeting whenever he met 
anyone and whoever spoke to him regarding a matter he 

would listen with patience until the person was satisfied and 
left. If he met a Muslim he would offer his hand to him".

Once, he was in debt to a Jewish man. The man came to retrieve what he was owed but the Apostle of God said to him: "I have nothing to give you." The man said: "Then I will not leave your side, O Muhammad, until you fulfill the debt." He (PUH) said: "Then I will sit with you." So he sat with him until he had prayed the noon and afternoon prayers, then the sunset and evening prayers and the dawn prayer. The companions of the Apostle of God were threatening and intimidating him and when the prophet saw this he (PUH) said: "What are you doing to him?" They said: "O Apostle of God, do you let a Jew detain you?" He said: "My Lord did not send me to wrong a  covenanter or anyone else." When day rose the Jewish man said: "I testify that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is His servant and Apostle. Divide my wealth in the way of God. I swear that I have only done what I have done so that I may see the description of you in the Torah, for I have read it there. "Muhammad son of Abdullah, whose birthplace is Mecca and who will emigrate to Tayyibah (Medina), he is not uncouth or hard hearted nor stentorian nor does he adorn himself with indecencies or obscene language." 
I testify that there is no deity but God and that you are the Apostle of God. Here is my wealth, so do with it as God orders." This man was a very rich man too."

Once, Jurayr ibn AbdullAh al-Bajali: came to the Apostle of God’s gathering but the place was full and he could not find a place. So he sat outside the house. When the Apostle of God saw him he took his robe and folded it up and threw it to him and said: "Sit on this." Jurayr took it and put it to his face and kissed it.

It is also related that he would accept the invitation [to food] 
of the freeman and the bondsman alike even if it was for trotter meals. He would always accept a gift even if it was a sip of milk. He would not stare in the face of anyone. He angered for the sake of his Lord and not for his own sake. He would attend funerals and visit the sick. He would sit with the poor people and eat with the paupers and give them food with his own hand. He would accept the apologies of anyone who apologised to him. He would not be superior to his servants in his food or clothing.

It is related that Anas ibn Malik said: "I served the Prophet for nine years and he never said to me "you should have done this" and he never criticized me ever."

Anas relates: "I was a companion of the Apostle of God for ten years. I have smelled all types of perfume, but nothing was finer than his perfume. If one of his companions met him he would stay with him until the other man was the one to leave. If one of his companions met him and they shook hands he would not withdraw his hand until the other person did so. He never exposed his knees in front of anyone sat with him".

It is related that Aby Said al-Khudari: said: "The Apostle of God was extremely modest and if ever he was asked for a thing he would give it."

One of his characteristics was that he never frowned. If he heard someone saying something which he disliked, he would not confront him about it but would say, “What is the matter with some people who do or say such things?” He would thus prohibit something without mentioning the name of the perpetrator.

It is related that Imam Assadiq said: ‘The Apostle of God, may Allah bless him and his family, said: "My Lord has ordered me to cultivate seven characteristics: to love the paupers and approach them, and to say often the words: ‘there is no power or strength except through God’, and to maintain the bonds of kinship even if they should cut their ties with me, and to look to those who are lower than me and not to look to those who are above me, and not to be affected in the way of God by the aspersions of the blamers, and to speak the truth however bitter it may be, and not to ask anything of anyone."

Gives His Foes the Choice of Peace:

When the Messenger of God first entered Medina he made a peace treaty with the Bani Nadeer tribe as he did with the rest of the Jewish tribes on condition that they do not fight him nor fight with him and he accepted these terms from them. When the Messenger of God fought at Badr and defeated the Polytheists they said: "By God, he certainly is the Prophet whom we find described in the Torah." When he fought at Ohud and the Muslims were defeated they were seized with doubts and they broke their treaty. They went to the Quraysh and formed an alliance and a pact with them that they stand united against Muhammad. Then Gabriel descended and informed the Prophet of this. In order to expose the antagonistic intentions that the Bani Nadeer held against the Muslims, he went out to them on a Saturday during the month of Rabi‘-I and prayed in the mosque of Qubaa along with Imam Ali and few of his companions. Then he approached them and spoke to them of a loan to pay some reparations (there was a loan agreement inforce between them) and they agreed to make the loan. Then some of them spoke in secret to others saying: "Never again will you find him in such a situation."He was beside a wall of one of their houses. They said: "Who will climb onto this house and throw this rock on him and kill him and relieve us of him?".

Amr ibn Jahhash volunteered saying: "I will do it." Salam ibn Mushkam said: "Do not do it, God will surely inform him of what you intend. It is a breach of the treaty that is between us and him."

Then Gabriel came and informed the Messenger of God of the news and thus he returned to Medina. Then his companions caught up with him and said: "You left O Messenger of God, and we did not realise it."
He said:"The Jews sought to betray me and God informed me of this so I left."

Then he sent a messenger to the Jews ordering them to leave their homes. Their houses were towards al-Far! district and in a nearby village called Zahrah, and he gave them ten days to leave.

The news reached Ibn Obayy and he sent a messenger to the Jews telling them not to leave their homes and promising
them the assistance of his people and reinforcements from the Jewish clan of Bani-Qureidhah and their allies the clan of Bani Ghatfan. This they sought. So the Messenger of God went out to them and prayed the afternoon prayer in the courtyard of the Bani Nadeer tribe. Imam Ali carried the banner and Ibn Omm Maktum was left in charge of Medina.When they saw the Messenger of God they took refuge in their fortresses with arrows and stones. Then the clan of Qureidah left them, and Ibn Obayy betrayed them. Then the Messenger of God laid siege to them for twenty-one nights. God put terror into their hearts and they eventually decided to leave Medina without fighting.

The Messenger of God said to them: "Leave the city and you will save your blood and whatever your camels can carry except for weapons."

So they left with their women and their children playing the pipes and banging tambourines having laden six hundred camels with their property. People even tore out the doors of their houses and put them onto camels. Then they destroyed their houses with their own hands and left. Some of them went to Khaybar and others went to Syria and some went to al-Hirah.

His Magnanimity (PUH):

During one excursion, the Messenger of God rested under a tree by the side of a river. Then the river flooded and came between him and his companions. He was seen by one of the Polytheists who said to his companions: "I will kill Muhammad." So he approached and threatened the Messenger of God with his sword and said: "Who will save you from me?" The Messenger of God said: "My Lord and yours." Then Gabriel blew him from his horse and he fell. The Messenger of God stood up, took the sword and sat on the man’s chest and said: "Who will save you from me?" The man said: "Your goodness and generosity." So the Messenger of God left him. The man stood up and went to his people and said: "I have just come from the best of people." Many people entered Islam because of him. In another account it is said that when he sat on his chest he said to him: "Will you testify that there is no deity but God and that I am His messenger?" the man said: "I promise that I will not fight you nor will I be with any people who fight you." So he let him be on his way. Then the man came to his people and said: "I have just come from the best of people..."

His Care for his Companions(PUH):

The Messenger of God used to travel in the rear guard so that he could help the weaker of his companions and carry those whose mounts had faltered and were no longer able to bear a burden.
On the way back from the Patched banner excursion he met with Jabir ibn Abdullah al-Ansari who had lagged behind the rest and he said to him: "What is wrong O Jabir?" Jabir, pointing to his camel said: "This has made me slow."
The Messenger of God approached the camel and ran his hand over it and it became strong and began making advances to the Messenger of God’s she camel. Then he said to Jabir: "O Jabir, will you sell me this camel of yours."
He said: "Rather I will gift it to you."
He said: "No but sell it to me." So the Messenger of God offered an ounce of gold when he said: "Are you satisfied O Jabir."
Jabir said: "I am satisfied O Messenger of God, the camel is yours."
The Messenger of God said: "It is mine and you may ride it until we reach Medina." Then he said to Jabir: "Are you married O Jabir?"
He said: "Yes O Messenger of God."
He said: "Was she a divorcee or a virgin."
He said: "A divorcee."
Then Jabir sighed deeply and said: "O Messenger of God, on the day of (the battle of) Ohud my father was (fatally) wounded and I was left in charge of seven of my sisters so I married a woman who could take care of them."
The Messenger of God was concerned and it showed in his face and he said praising what Jabir had done: "You have done well O Jabir."
Then the Messenger of God asked about his father’s debts and Jabir informed him. Then the Messenger of God said to him: "When you enter Medina and want to clip your date palms and take the dates then let me know."
Jabir relates: So I entered Medina and told my wife of what had been said to me by the Messenger of God and she said with joy: "You must obey."
In the morning Jabir took the camel to the door of the mosque then sat nearby. The Messenger of God came to the mosque and saw the camel and said: "What is this?" "O Messenger of God, this is Jabir’s camel." said some of his companions. He said: "And where is Jabir himself?"
So Jabir was called upon and the Prophet said to him: "Take the camel for it is yours." Then he summoned Bilal and said to him: "Give Jabir an ounce of gold." Jabir relates: So I went with him and he gave me an ounce.

He Goes Hungry(PUH):

The Messenger of God used to bind stones upon his stomach because of hunger.
Imam Ali relates: "We were with the Prophet digging the moat before the battle of the Khandaq when Lady Fatimah came with a crust of bread. She gave it to the Prophet who said: "O Fatimah, what is this?"
Lady Fatimah said: "I baked a loaf of bread for Hasan and
Husayn and I have brought you this crust." The Prophet said: "This is the first food to enter your father’s stomach for three days."

Foe Turns into Friend:

Banu Hanifah Land

The Messenger of God sent some horsemen to Najd led by Muhammad ibn Musallamah. They captured a man of the Banu Hanifah named Thamamah ibn Othal who had previously killed some Muslims. They brought him to Medina
and tied him to a pillar in the mosque. (In another account it is said that they left him in a room adjoining the mosque.) The Messenger of God went to see him and said to him:
"What is your situation O Thamamah?"
He said: "It is good O Muhammad. If you kill me you will kill  a person of noble blood. If you let me go you will find me grateful. Or, if you want money then ask whatever you want." The Messenger of God said [to his companions afterwards]: "Set Thamamah free."
So Thamamah went to an oasis near the mosque and washed himself then he entered the mosque and said: ‘I testify that there is no deity but God and that Muhammad is His Messenger. O Muhammad, I swear to God, no face on earth was more detestable to me than yours but now it has become the most beloved of faces to me. No way was more detestable to me than your way and now your way has become the most beloved of ways to me. No land was more detestable to me than your land but now your land has become the most beloved of lands to me. Your horses took me when I was going to Mecca for pilgrimage so what do you think?".
The Messenger of God gave him glad tidings and ordered himto go to the pilgrimage. When he arrived in Mecca someone said to him: "Have you become rejuvenated?" He said: "No but I have entered Islam with Muhammad the Messenger of God and from now on not a grain of wheat will
come to you from al-Yamamah unless the Prophet gives permission."
Al-Yamamah was an agricultural area depended upon by Mecca. Thamamah left for his lands and prevented cargo from reaching Mecca until the Quraysh suffered. They wrote to the Messenger of God calling upon their bonds of kinship with him so that he would write to Thamamah to let them carry food to Mecca. This the Messenger of God did.

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