
"God is the Light of the Heavens and the Earth, The parable of His light is , as it were , that of a niche containing a Lamp ; The Lamp is enclosed in a Glass , the Glass like a radiant star ; lit from a blessed tree -an Olive tree That is neither of the east nor of the west- The oil of which would almost give light even though fire had not touched it ; light upon light! God Guide to his Light the one who wills to be guided; and God offers parables to human beings, since God has full knowledge of all things."
-Surah An-Nur 24:35

Message of integration

Since the Beginning of consciousness, Human beings, Both Female and male, have walked the path of return  of recognition and reunion with the source of Being. Though in This world of Duality we may Find ourselves in Different Forms, Ultimately, Within Truth, There is no Male or Female, Only Being.
The Prophet Muhammad Peace be up on Him Brought a Message of integration of Spirit and matter, of Essence and everyday life, of recognition of the Feminine and the masculine. Though Cultural manifestations have layered over some of the of the originality of intention, The words of the Qor'an convey the equality of Women and men before the eyes of God. At a time when the Goddess-worshiping Arabian Tribes were still quite barbaric, even burying infant Girls alive because male offspring were preferred, this new Voice of abrahamic tradition attempted to reestablish the recognition of the Unity of Being. It tried to adress the imbalances that had arisen, advising respect and Honor for the feminine as well as for graciousness and harmony of nature.   
His message Peace be upon him recognizes That committed relationship and family are not contrary to the flowering of spirituality, But rather wonderful vessels for spiritual ripening. Committed partnership , children , and wider family are Great blessings , containing the inspiration , the breathing in , of the divine , As we deepen our capacity for relationship and fidelity in the human sphere , we also increase our capacity for relationship with the Divine.
Women and men need to stand together in the light. Especially in our Present time, whether we are female or male , the same work remains of polishing the mirror of the Heart, of being in remembrance moment by moment , breath by breath , knowing the reason of our Creation and make Progress towards righteousness & Love.

" Listen to me oh my love ,  
you are the basic meaning of the universe .. you are the point of the circle and all what is around it, you are its complex and its simplicity .. you are brought down between the heaven and the earth!
I have Created the realization so that you can realize me , and if you realize me you will realize yourself .
Don't have the Greed to realize me through yourself .. therefore by my eye , you can see me and see yourself , & not with yours you can see me .
How much i have called you.. but you don't hear me ! how much i have appeared to you .. but you can't see ! 
How much i merge to you into the smells .. but you don't smell !and into your foods .. but you don't taste ! 
Why  don't you touch me in everything you touch ?!
Why  don't you realize me into everything you Smell ?!
Why  don't you hear me in everything you hear..why..why..why?!!.. 
Most tasty than everything tasty to you , Most delicious than everything delicious to you , Better for you than everything you see good to you or enjoy.. 
Love me my love .. don't love somebody else but me me ..Adore me and don't Adore something else but me! Hug me , Kiss me will not find like me ..everybody wants you for their own favor .. but i want you for you ! 
If you alienate me , you will not be fair toward me 
If you come close to me , i come much Closer than you do..therefore i'm closer to you than yourself ! 
Who's gonna do such thing but me in all these Creatures around you !
I'm the jealous..i do not like to see you going to Others , neither to yourself ..Be with me - with you you are with me and you don't feel it ! come to me! come to me! my beloved !.."
                                                                                                                                - Ard el Kinana - 

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