
"God is the Light of the Heavens and the Earth, The parable of His light is , as it were , that of a niche containing a Lamp ; The Lamp is enclosed in a Glass , the Glass like a radiant star ; lit from a blessed tree -an Olive tree That is neither of the east nor of the west- The oil of which would almost give light even though fire had not touched it ; light upon light! God Guide to his Light the one who wills to be guided; and God offers parables to human beings, since God has full knowledge of all things."
-Surah An-Nur 24:35

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Mercy to The World - Infallibility of the Messenger of Allah

4- Infallibility of the Messenger of Allah From childhood time:

Leather shoes of the Prophet Muhammad (PUH)

The Wise and Merciful God sent the prophets so that human society may recognise the right way as opposed to the precipitous way, and may be able to stride up to the highest peaks of true pride, perfection and laudable virtues, and stay on that way.
With the same intention, God also made His prophets and messengers immune from every kind of sin and error, and, in one word, made them “infallible” (ma‘sūm), so that they may be able to lead mankind towards God without any error or mistake.
It is obvious that the very same reason which prompted the need for prophethood also requires that the prophets be immaculate and immune from all kinds of sin, impurity, error and fault. Since the aim and purpose of sending prophets is to lead society towards God’s commands, this aim is to be secured through the infallibility of the prophets, for it is clear that to do things which are repulsive or indecent, to sin, and also to be a source of error and fault is a reason for people to be averse to and diverted from these things, and thus the aim, which was the guidance and teaching of society, would be lost.
Of course, we know that no wise person does things against his aim, and that he takes regard for what is effectual in attaining and reaching his aim. For example, someone who wants a number of distinguished individuals to take part in a celebration in his honor knows that no one without an invitation can honourably attend. He will never send an invitation to someone who is averse to him, rather he will try to send his invitations in such a way that they will all be accepted, and, if he doesn't do this, his work will not have been prudent and wise, and it will be regarded as having been unseemly and unbecoming.
The Merciful and Wise God also takes account of what basically interferes with the guidance and education of society, and does not want people to depend on and follow the will of capricious and impure men, and so to end up far from, and be deprived of their true development. Therefore, He has sent immaculate prophets so that the guidance and instruction of society may be in the best possible way.
All The holy prophets were deeply devoted to God, and why should they not have been? They, who with their senses and profound insight knew God better than anyone, who understood His Greatness, Splendour and Majesty to be above all things, who deem Him alone worthy of love, devotion and obedience, who had nothing except His Pleasure in view, who gave their hearts to none but Him, who did everything with devotion to Him, and who knew Who they were worshipping.
It was for this very reason that the prophets welcomed difficulties and formidable situations, and also paid attention to God with smiling, open faces even when they were in the most critical circumstances. And so, when, in their beloved, true way, they met with difficulties, they became overflowing with joy.
History has recorded the endeavours of these heavenly, torch-bearing men of guidance, as also the condemnable behaviour of people towards them. Could steadfastness in these difficulties have had another motivation apart from love of God and the performance of His command? Surely not.
How can it be imagined that those who are completely engrossed in their beloved way, and who utter nothing except according to His wish, and in whose heart, soul, spirit and thoughts not one corner is empty of remembrance of Him, can disobey His commands? Or can give themselves up to sin? Rather, they followed the path of obedience to Him and were devoted to Him.
Someone asked the Prophet of Islam, why he himself indulged in worship of God to such an extent that he would physically suffer since he was purified and had no sins. His answer was that: "why should he not be a grateful and thankful Servent of God?" So it was not out of fear of punishment that the Prophet used to worship God to such an extent, it was out of a sense of gratitude & Love.
Thus we can understand that the perfect knowledge of the prophets and the deep and true love which they had for God resulted in infallibility and absolute purity From Him, so that, in addition to precluding sin from their will and thinking, they were withheld  from sin.
the prophet Muhammad Peace be Up on Him , had in his life events where God almighty took care of him and protected him and Granted him with his Infallibility from his childhood time :

When he was young shepherd (PUH) he went to listen to some music  in a wedding ceremony, but God Almighty smote on his ears so he fall asleep immediately , he slept (PUH) until morning and When he wanted to come back for same reason next time  he also fall asleep, and he never came back to do the same again.

Also our Beloved prophet Peace be up on him said that : one time i was playing with kids of Quraish moving stones , everyone took off his garment to protect their necks and start putting the stones on their necks to move its , and i did the same  going and coming back carrying the stones suddenly somebody i didn't see punched me really hard telling firmly: me put your garment back , i did and i continued carrying the stones on my bare neck.

He went peace be up on him all the time to the "Kaaba" but he never (PUH) bow to an Idol as he was always telling to Quraish people that worshiping a stones is wrong as they are the ones who made those Idols by their own hands , a stones that doesn't do any good or any harm so why celebrate them or do sacrifice.

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