
"God is the Light of the Heavens and the Earth, The parable of His light is , as it were , that of a niche containing a Lamp ; The Lamp is enclosed in a Glass , the Glass like a radiant star ; lit from a blessed tree -an Olive tree That is neither of the east nor of the west- The oil of which would almost give light even though fire had not touched it ; light upon light! God Guide to his Light the one who wills to be guided; and God offers parables to human beings, since God has full knowledge of all things."
-Surah An-Nur 24:35

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Mercy to the World -The Forced Battles

Battle of Badr (First battle of Islam):

Quraish and Muslims Soldiers Battle Place "Badr"

Quraish had decided to put Medina under a -severe economic siege. They had forbidden all caravans from carrying provisions and food  to Medina. This siege lasted such a long time that the people of Medina were faced with many troubles and hardships and had to go as far as the coasts of the Red Sea to buy what they need.
Abu Jahl, wrote an extremely harsh and rude letter to the Prophet Muhammad (PUH), warning him to expect the attack of Quraish, It was on this occasion that God Almighty said, "Permission (to fight) is given to those upon whom war is made because they are oppressed, and most surely Allah is well able to assist them; those who have been expelled from their homes without a just cause except that they say: Our Lord is Allah. And had there not been Allah's repelling some people by others, certainly there would have been pulled down cloisters and churches and synagogues and mosques in which Allah's name is much remembered; and surely Allah will help him who helps His cause; most surely Allah is Strong, Mighty."  The Holy Qur’an , 22:39-40.
In the second year of the Hijra,The Prophet Muhammad (PUH) arose to guard Islam, and  defend the basic rights of the Muslims, and to frustrate the Unfair conspiracies of  Quraish.
One of the many qualities of the Prophet Muhammad (PUH) was His wisdom , as at that time  when the Muslims were preparing to fight The enemies in the battle of Badr, The Prophet Muhammad (PUH) wanted to know the number of soldiers in Quraish army so the Muslims could plan their strategy accordingly, He (PUH) sent a group of Muslims to find it out before the battle started. At the water wells in Badr, they found two boys and brought them to Him (PUH),  When these boys saw the Prophet Muhammad's glowing face and how Kind he was with them, they were not afraid and tried to help, but they did not know the exact numbers of the soldiers, The Prophet Muhammad (PUH) asked them: "How many camels do they slaughter everyday?", The Boys replied : "One day They slaughter  nine and another day, ten".
From their answer,The Prophet Muhammad (PUH) estimated that the enemies are between 900 and 1000 soldiers. He (PUH) worked out a plan for the battlefield and the Muslims followed it in their fight. They were victorious with the help of Allah Almighty , even though they were only 313 in number which was one-third that of the size of Quraish army (1000)! Because of their faith, the Muslims raised the flag of Islam high in their first battle.

Battle of Uhud (Second battle of Islam):

Uhud Mountain

Since a considerable number of Quraish Soldiers had been killed in the battle of Badr, the next year, 
(the third year after the Hijra) , the Quraish prepared again for an other war to take revenge for their defeat in the Badr Battle. They proceeded to Medina , They faced the army of Islam in a place called Uhud. Since a number of the Muslims in the war did not fully obey the instructions of The Prophet (PUH), the Muslims did not become victorious in the battle of Uhud as in the battle of Badr.

Patience is better than Retaliation:

During that time The hatred of The Prophet Muhammad (PUH), Imam Ali (as) and Hamza ibn Abd Al-Muttalib was a fire that consumed a Quraishi woman called Hind bint Utbah, the wife of Abu Sufyan because of the lost of her father in the previous Battle of Badr ,  
A person called "Wahshi" - the slave of Jubair - who, upon the orders of Hind bint Utbah, the wife of Abu Sufyan ibn Harb was sent to kill Hamza ibn Abd Al-Muttalib ( the Uncle of the Prophet (PHU), The slave had torn open Hamza ibn Abd Al-Muttalib's stomach, pulled out his liver and presented it to Hind bint Utbah as revenge to  Her father, Utbah.
Taking the liver she bit into it, but by Divine decree she was unable to eat it. Arriving at Hamza ibn Abd Al-Muttalib's body, she went on to mutilate it and then rewarded the Slave Wahshi by gifting him her necklace, bracelet and earrings.
After the battle of Uhud had concluded, the Prophet Muhammad (PUH) dispatched Harith ibn Samt to search for the body of his uncle, Hamza ibn Abd Al-Muttalib, amongst the dead. When Harith ibn Samt witnessed that Hamza ibn Abd Al-Muttalib's liver had been taken out and his body mutilated by cutting off the ears, nose and other parts of the body, he could not bring the unpleasant occurrence by Himself to Muhammad (PUH) .
As a result, Muhammad (PUH) himself arrived Looking amongst the dead, but when his eyes fell upon the mutilated body of his uncle, he (PUH) was immensely disturbed. As he wept, he said: "By Allah! Nothing has disturbed me more than this. If God Almighty grants me dominance over the Quraish, I shall mutilate seventy of their individuals."
At that moment, angel Gabriel (Jabra'il) descended with the following verse: "And if you take your turn, then retaliate with the like of that with which you were afflicted; but if you are patient, it will certainly be best for those who are patient." The Holy Qur’an, 16:126

at that momet the Prophet Muhammad (PUH) said: "I shall exhibit patience over this calamity."

Ahzab (battle of the Trench) or Jung-E-Khandaq (Ghazwah al-Khandaq):

Battle of the Trench Place

The Battle of the Trench was the last attack of the Quraishis on Medina. The name of this battle comes from the trenches that were dug around Medina to prevent the enemy attack. Apart from the Quraishis, Arab tribes, such as the Gatafan, the Fazara, the Sulaym, the Qinana, the Sakif, and the Banu Nadir had been expelled from Medina; the Banu Qurayza Jews in Medina participated in this battle as well. For this reason, the battle is also known as The Battle of al-Ahzab (the groups or tribes). The Battle of the Trench differs from the previous battles in terms of politics, strategy and tactics. It was a battle fought not against a single and specific enemy, but was rather a defensive battle fought against all enemy groups in the Arabian Peninsula. This battle is important due to the fact that the Jewish tribes, the Quraishis and the Arab tribes allied together in the realization that they could not defeat the Muslims alone. 
Prominent figures belonging to the Banu an-Nadir, such as Huyay ibn Ahtab and Sallam ibn Abu'l-Huqayq, who had settled in Khaybar after being expelled from Medina, called upon the Quraishis of Mecca and invited them to annihilate the Muslims together. An alliance was thus formed and they created a large army by allying with the surrounding tribes. When the Prophet learned of this development, he conferred with his Companions on how to treat the threat. A Persian Companion, called Salman al-Farisi, advised digging a trench alongside Medina, which otherwise was open to cavalry attack. The Prophet also participated in the digging of the trench. The trench was completed in several weeks thanks to the great Faith and efforts of the Muslims. According to the estimates of researches , the trench was 5,5 km in length, 9 m in width, 4,5 m in depth. 
After the Muslims had finished digging the trench, the enemy units, led by Abu Sufyan ibn Harb, whose numbers were 10,000 (or 12,000), reached Medina and camped in a place to the north of Medina where the Battle of Uhud had earlier taken place. The banner of the idolaters was carried by Uthman ibn Talha from the Banu Abduddar. The number of Muslim soldiers was about 3,000. Zayd ibn Haritha was the flagman for the emigrants while Sa'd ibn Ubada was the flagman of the Companions. The Prophet knew that they were outnumbered against this army and he decided to launch a defensive war, resisting the attack of the enemy against the city instead of facing the coalition in a pitched battle outside. He ordered that the women and children stay in the castles and fortresses. Prophet Muhammad built his headquarters on the edges of Mount Sal, facing the trench. Thus they were defended by Mount Sal from behind. The Prophet placed guards at points where the trench was not very deep and at some entrance points. This strategy was to show the strength of the Muslims and make the Quarishis feel that they were dependent on Him for the trade route; he hoped that they would embrace Islam and the new formation in Medina.
The Quraishis were surprised when they saw the trench, which was not known in Arabia as defensive method. During the siege, both sides shot arrows and threw stones at each other. The Islamic army not only tried to prevent the enemy army from infiltrating into the city from other points, but they also tried to weaken them along the trench. The enemy units attacked in turns. These units were commanded by famous warriors such as Abu Sufyan, Hubayra ibn Abu Wahb, Ikrima ibn Abu Jahil, Umar's brother Dirar ibn Khattab, Khaled ibn Walid and Amr ibn As. One day the tent of the Prophet was heavily attacked by arrows, but this attack failed, as the Companions counterattacked with arrows and stones. 
In the course of the battle, several cavalries passed over the trench at a narrow spot onto the side of the Islamic army. One of these was Amr ibn Abduved, who was known for his courage and bravery. Amr ibn Abduved desired that a warrior from the Muslims step out for hand-to-hand combat. Young Ali came forward to fight with him. The Prophet gave his sword to Imam Ali and wrapped his turban around him, and said :" the whole faith emerged for the whole evil " , Amr underestimated The young warior, that overcame and defeated the commander, Amr ibn Abd Wudd after The Brave Young Imam gave him 3Choices : 1Th is to Believe , 2d is to leave the war , 3d is to fight and Amr ibn Abd Wudd chooses to fight  and he was killed by Ali with a sweeping blow of the sword.
Nawfal ibn Abdullah died, falling into the trench. The other horsemen rapidly retreated back across the trench. Although there were some fights during the siege, which lasted in total about twenty days, the allied forces did not achieve any results. Due to the fact that the idolaters had prepared for a short battle, the food supplies of their warriors and horses soon ran out. Meanwhile, the food and feed carried by twenty camels sent by the Khaybar Jews were intercepted by the Muslims. During a rain storm the people of Mecca underwent difficult times; their tents were destroyed by the storm and they panicked. It was the end of the month of Shawwal; Dhu al-Qi'dah, the first of the sacred months, was fast approaching and the hajj season was close. Due to all these factors, Abu Sufyan raised the siege and returned to Medina, realizing that he could not win any significant gains.
Six Muslims were martyred and eight enemy soldiers were killed in the Battle of the Trench, which was a turning point in Islamic history. The Muslims suffered many obstacles during the Battle, and they were worried about the large enemy army. Prophet Muhammad never missed any prayers during any of the confrontations, and the fact that he now had to perform the noon, afternoon, evening and night prayers together shows that he and his Companions were fighting under very harsh conditions. Surah Al-Ahzab, which gives this battle its name, mentions the fear of the Muslims of the allied armies and states that this was a test of faith; it goes on to say that Allah supported the Muslims with unseen armies (The Holy Qur’an,al-Ahzab 33/9-12, 25). 
With the Battle of the Trench the idolaters' last attempt to kill the Prophet and the Muslims failed. Prophet Muhammad implemented a policy that would create hostility between the Jews and their Arab allies, and he received a great deal of intelligence. This played a great role in defeating the enemy. 

Battle of Khaybar:

Khaybar forts

Large numbers of Jews lived in the Khaybar forts and had military and economic relations with Quraish. Since the security of the Muslims was constantly threatened by those enemy Tribes, in 7 AH the Muslims started towards Khaybar, which was the headquarters of the enemy, surrounded the fort, and, Imam Ali, peace be upon him, Opens the main door of the fort & killed Marhab, the chief . Victorious Muslims, made the enemies submit to the Islamic government.

 Battle of Mu'tah:


In 8 AH, Prophet Muhammad (PUH) sent Harith ibn Umar with a letter to the king of Basra, but his messenger was killed in a Village called Mu'tah east of the Jordan river and Karak in Karak Governorate . At the command of Muhammad (PUH), the army of Islam marched towards the enemy, and in Mu'tah they confronted the army of Marqal, the king of Rome ( Byzantine ) Empire. His army comprised 100,000 Roman and non-Roman fighters. the Muslims send a force to attack the Arab pagan settlement of  'Mucheon' during a pagan feast day. The local Byzantine Vicarius learns of their plans and collects the garrisons of the fortresses. A war broke out between the two armies in which Zayd ibn Harith, Ja'far ibn Abi Talib, and Abdullah ibn Rawahah, the three famous commanders of the army of Islam, were martyred, and the Muslims could not overcome the enemies, so they returned to Medina.

Peace agreement-the Hudaybiyah:

Mosque 'Aisha where Quraish signed the the Hudaybiyah peace agreement with the Prophet Muhammed (PUH)

The Hudaybiyah peace agreement, was an important event that took place during the formation of Islam. It was a pivotal treaty between Muhammad (PUH), representing the state of Medina, and Quraish tribe of Mecca in March 628 (corresponding to Dhu al-Qi'dah, 6 AH). It helped to decrease tension between the two cities, affirmed a 10-year peace, and authorized Muhammad's followers to return the following year in a peaceful pilgrimage, The First Pilgrimage in Islam.
Quraish had promised Prophet Muhammad (PUH) in The Treaty not to transgress against or oppress the Muslims and their confederates, but they violated the agreement after sometime and helped the Bani Bakr tribe to destroy the Khaza'ah tribe, which was one of the confederates of the Muslims. To hamper their aggression, Muhammad (PUH) approached Makkah in secrecy, entered it through an elaborate device, and conquered Makkah with his strong army of approximately ten thousand soldiers which occurred without battle or bloodshed in 630 CE, in the 8th year of the Hijrah (8 AH).

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