
"God is the Light of the Heavens and the Earth, The parable of His light is , as it were , that of a niche containing a Lamp ; The Lamp is enclosed in a Glass , the Glass like a radiant star ; lit from a blessed tree -an Olive tree That is neither of the east nor of the west- The oil of which would almost give light even though fire had not touched it ; light upon light! God Guide to his Light the one who wills to be guided; and God offers parables to human beings, since God has full knowledge of all things."
-Surah An-Nur 24:35

Friday, September 7, 2012

Mercy to the World - Arrives at Medina

Messenger of Allah Arrives at El Medina:

"Taniyat El Wada'a" where the Prophet Muhammed (PUH) arrives 
meeting the Muslims waiting for Him.

When the news of the Messenger’s exodus from Mecca to Medina reached the Muslims in Medina, they began to go every morning to the lava fields and wait there until the heat of noon drove them back. Many days they waited until one day when they had returned to their houses it so happened that a Jewish man was looking out from his fortress when he saw the Prophet shimmering in the haze. No sooner had he sighted him than he hailed the Muslims at the top of his voice saying: ‘O Muslims, here is your Master whom you await!’.  The Muslims immediately rushed to meet the Messenger of Allah with his companion Abu Bakr on the crest of the lava fields. He then kept going until they had reached Qubaa where he stopped with the clan of Amr ibn Awf. The Muslims hailed  ‘Allahu Akbar’ (God is Greatest) with joy at his arrival. The Prophet stopped at Qubaa for three days awaiting the arrival of Ali.  He did not want to enter the Medina without Ali. The Prophet remained with Ali with the clan of Amr ibn Awf for a day or two. During his stay in Qubaa he established the mosque of Qubaa, and thus it was the first ever established in Muslim era.
And on the Friday, the Prophet entered the Qubaa mosque and led the Muslims in the Friday prayers and gave a sermon. And this was the first Friday sermon ever given. The Prophet prayed in the direction of Jerusalem and one hundred men prayed behind him. After performing the prayers, the Prophet mounted his camel, along with Ali who never left his side, and the rest of Muslims and headed towards Medina.  Once in Medina, Muslim families invited the Messenger of Allah to stay with them. In order not to turn down the request of any one of them, the Prophet decided that he would stay with the family that his she-camel would stop by their house.  He said: ‘Let her be for she is being ordered.’ The camel kept on walking until she reached the door of the house of Abu Ayyub, who happened to be amongst the poorest in Medina.
Then Abu Ayyub hurried to the Prophet’s baggage and took itinto his house.Abu Ayyub’s mother, who was blind, said: ‘O if only I had sight so that I could see my master the Messenger of Allah!’ The Prophet Muhammad then called to Allah for her and her eyes opened. This was the first of his miracles in Medina. It is said that when the Messenger of Allah entered Medina, it was the most joyous occasion ever witnessed by the people.

First Muslim Community :

With a significant number of those who embraced Islam migrating from Mecca to Medina, as well as the majority of the native Medinans, it could be said that the first Muslim community began to take shape in the city of Medina, under the guidance of the Prophet. Through his teachings, the Messenger of Allah brought about harmony and peace between the different rivalries and warring groups and tribes of the city and its surroundings.  Whereas prior to his arrival, greed, enmity and wars prevailed between the inhabitants, in a short space of time the Prophet managed to sow the seeds of a peaceful cohesive order to the extent that they shared everything they had amongst themselves and with the Muslim migrants from Mecca despite their poverty.  With the city of Medina being some 400 km north of Mecca, some of the Muslims considered it to be a reasonably safe distance from the Quraysh who were mostly in Mecca.
However, the Quraysh and their allies did not relent, they become more and more Arrogant despite of their knowledge that what Muhammad (PUH) says is the truth, Also he is Honest and a true Prophet when he answers their questions about the Unseen, their Envy stop them of  following and believing in him, as they forced the Muslims of Medina into a number of battles and skirmishes.  These were usually unequal, especially at the early days, with the Quraysh and their allies being superior in number and Armour.  For example at the battle of Badr, which was one of the early clashes between the two sides, the Muslims combatants were 313 men, who had seventy camels and two horses, while their opponents were about one thousand, had seven hundred camels and one hundred horses.

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